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Active substances:

solution for oral administration


Transparent colorless or yellowish solution.


1 ml of the drug contains:

active ingredient: diclazuril – 2.5 mg;

Excipient: polyethyleneoxide.

solution for oral administration


Transparent colorless or yellowish solution.


1 ml of the drug contains:

active ingredient: diclazuril – 2.5 mg;

Excipient: polyethyleneoxide.

Pharmacological properties

ATC vet QP51A - antiprotozoals.  QP51AJ03 - diclazuril.

Diclazuril is a chemically synthesized non-ionophore antibiotic, belonging to benzeneacetonitrile class. It is effective against all types of eimeriae in poultry (E. acervulina, Е. brunetti, Е. maxima, Е. mitis, Е. necatrix, Е. tenella, E. adenoeides, Е. gallopavonis, Е. meleagrimitis та ін.), кролів (Е. flavescens, Е. intestinalis, Е. magna, Е. perforans, Е. stiedae та ін.), cattle, sheep, goats, swine, breaking the energy metabolism of the endogenous cycle of coccidia. Eimeria in asexual stages of endogenic cycle of development are the most sensitive to the drug.

Diclazuril does not cause any side effects even if the administered dose is 25-50 times higher than the recommended dose.

The drug does not have any mutagenic, carcinogenic or teratogenic action and may be combined with other drugs. It is thermostable, effective in low doses and does not accumulate in organs and tissues of animals.


Prevention and treatment of eimeriosis in poultry (hens, turkeys, geese, ducks), swine, rabbits, young cattle stock, sheep and goats caused by the following species:

- in poultry: hens - E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. tenella, E. maxima, E. necatrix, E. mitis; turkeys - E. adenoeides, E. meleagrimitis; geese, ducks - E. anseris, E. truncata;

- in rabbits - Е. flavescens, Е. intestinalis, Е. magna, Е. perforans, Е. stiedae;

- in piglets - Isospora suis;

- in young cattle stock - E. bovis, E. zuernii;

- in young sheep, goats - E. сrandallis, E. ovinoidalis, E. arloingi, E. intricata.


The drug is fed with feed or drinking water in the following doses:

- poultry: 0.4 ml per 1 kg body weight once a day for 2 days, approximately equal to 2 ml of the drug per 1 l of water, or 1 mg of active ingredient (diclazuril) per 1 kg body weight once a day;

- rabbits, young cattle stock, sheep, goats: 0.4 ml per 1 kg body weight once a day, equal to 1 mg of active ingredient (diclazuril) per 1 kg body weight once a day. Duration of treatment (with drinking water or feed) is 2 days;

piglets:  2 ml per 1 kg body weight to each animal individually once.


Do not prescribe to animals sensitive to the drug.


Administer the drug dose with drinking water for at least 12 hours once a day.

To dissolve SOLICOX® in water, the drug shall be added to water, and not vice versa.

Do not administer to pregnant and lactating animals and laying poultry. The excretion (withdrawal)period for meat and internal organs is 5 days.


Vials of 10 ml are packed in cardboard boxes of 10 vials each. Plastic vials of 100 ml and 1 l.


Store in a dry dark place out of the reach of children at 5-30 °С.

Shelf life

2 years.

24 hours after dissolution in water.

For veterinary use only!